Monday, August 20, 2007


"In four debates, not a single Democrat said the word, 'Islamic terrorists.' Now that is taking political correctness to extreme?"

Rudy Giuliani said that in the Republican Presidential debate a few weeks ago. How right he is. This fear of being called Islamophobic or being discriminatory drives liberals more than the fear of having innocent Americans die from radical Islam. Liberals around the world live in their little liberal bubbles, void from reality, and choose not to see radical Islam for the threat it is, has been, and will be in the future. They would rather take on the real enemies of America...Bush, Rove (even though he is gone, they will continue to fight him), Limbaugh, FOX News, Wal-Mart, ect.

In the uber-liberal mecca of England, the BBC is dropping a fictional terror attack from one of its programs to avoid offending Muslims. Liberals only care about not offending certain groups however, Muslims being one of them. I wonder if they were to give this much care to Christians. I guess last November when the BBC portrayed the evil evangelical Christians murdering Muslims they weren't too concerned with offending them. Being liberal means never having standards, but rather dumbing them down so that one group is held to a ridiculously high standard and the other is held to no standard so to stop judgements upon them.

Why is it so bad to fictionally portray something that is not fictional? The answer: It's not. However, liberalism, and the psychosis they have that keeps them severely disconnected from reality makes them feel this way all in the name of not discriminating. The problem isn't Islam, it is radical Islam, and sadly, I can fully understand why liberals would not not want to portray it accurately. Why? Informed people, especially on terrorism, is death to their entire mind-set on the issue. They spend their days either denying there is any threat, accurately don't think there is any threat, and trying to convince other of that as well.

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