Wednesday, August 1, 2007


The UK Daily Mail has posted an article with the most detailed pictures of earth ever seen. They really are spectacular. Of course, leave it to some liberals to ruin the moment with comments about the article. I'm not taking issue with their right to say what they want, however I am taking a look at the bigger liberal picture of how miserable and guilty these people feel:

"From a distance" you can't see the rubbish, hatred, inequality and sheer stupidity that mar this beautiful globe.- Mike Randall, Worcester, England

This is typical liberalism; gloom and doom, people suck, animals are pristine, humans ruin the planet, global warming, socialism would rid the earth of inequality. These people see the bad in everything. They are literally miserable and will do anything they can to spread that misery. That's liberalism (socialism). There's doom unless of course it is some lib program where good intentions are met, not taking a look at the unintended consequences of their 'good intentions.' Their good intentions make themselves feel better and utopia has been fulfilled. And here is another one:

Something so beautiful and we are destroying it! Sad, very sad, we don't deserve to lease the planet!- Jeff Rudd, Drogheda, Ireland.

Ohh noo. WHAAAAA!!! I feel soooo guilty. You should too. Thats what they'll say at least. Global warming and all the pollution (America's fault of course) is going to kill us. We have 10 years left to live (says AL Gore). Manhattan is going to be underwater! Oh, Please!!!

The earth is beautiful. Savor the momet. Enjoy it. Take a gander at God's great creation. Be happy. There's nothing wrong with it!

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