Saturday, July 14, 2007

The UN-Fairness Doctrine

The Democrat Party is not, as they claim to be, the party of free speech or the party of choice (unless its abortion of course). Senate Democrats on Friday blocked an amendment that would have prevented the return of the Fairness Doctrine, a federal rule requiring broadcasters to air opposing views on issues. But who decides what the opposing view is and how long each view should be allowed? Why the government of course. Leave it to liberals to puff up the government’s power over the choices of what you want to listen to on the radio. The last thing that results from the Fairness Doctrine is fairness.

The fairness doctrine is simply to silence conservative talk radio. Anyone with half a brain can realize that conservatism drives the AM dial coast to coast. We don’t dispute this. That is why the Democrat Party and the un-American left are targeting it! If they really wanted to “challenge the public airwaves,” they would have to challenge ABC, NBC, and CBS as well. Of course they won’t though because those networks are their mouthpieces, and they wouldn’t have to comply with the fairness doctrine. These Dems obviously turn a blind eye to the fact that PBS, Airhead America, and NPR (all left leaning) are all funded by the taxpayer. So if you’re a conservative, you’re paying for people to spread lib propaganda! That doesn’t sound fair to me.

Ed Schultz, the only lib to kinda, sorta, have success in talk radio says Republicans are overacting in trying to stop the Fairness Doctrine. Overreacting? Yes, the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for trying to defend free speech. You don’t see them trying to shut down the liberal bias in the papers or on TV, right? Conservatives don’t bother because we believe the truth will come out in the end. Talk radio is a perfect example of how conservatism wins in the arena of ideas. It is the ultimate democratic (not the party) forum, where ideas and truths are exchanged with respect. Have you ever listening to lib talk radio. It is vicious, condescending, arrogant, angry, hateful and riddled with Bush/Rove/Cheney/Limbaugh/Hannity derangement syndrome. Not to mention the fact that the libs LOVE the government. How are they supposed to defend big government when fails time and time again?

Here is the nail in the coffin to prove the Dems want to silence conservatives in talk radio. The Armed Forces Radio Network, broadcasting to our soldiers at home and overseas, carries many different types of programming. In 2004 Tom Harkin (D) tried to introduce into the 2005 Defense Appropriations Bill an amendment to take Rush Limbaugh off the network. By the way, the Fairness Doctrine is also referred to as the Hush Rush law in many conservative circles. Rush himself said, “This, my friends, is censorship. This is the United States government intruding on the First Amendment.” Right he is. I guess Mr. Harkin forgot that Ed Schultz, NPR and Airhead America is also on the same network! Why did he want to take Rush alone off? To silence him of course. Rush is a thorn in the side of libs. He single handedly took away the Dems media monopoly.

Remember this: fairness to a lib has a different meaning than it does to a conservative. Libs are obsessed with this ultra-ideal, not even possible initiative of equality of results. We conservatives want equality of opportunity. Talk radio is a prime example of this, and conservatism wins. That is what frosts the libs.

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