Sunday, July 22, 2007


I refer you to this article that explains how Iran is cracking down on ‘slack dressing that targets both men and women whose clothing and haircuts are deemed to be unIslamic.’ "The police will act against those whose trousers are too short, have skin-tight coats, shirts with Western logos and Western hairstyles." Women in Iran are already obliged to cover all bodily contours and their heads but in recent years many have pushed the boundaries by showing off bare ankles and fashionably styled hair beneath their headscarves.

Now, let me ask you, where are all these do-gooder, good intentioned lib groups that claim to be advocates for minorities and the weak because they are oh so open minded and tolerant? Take this particular issue and ask yourself, where is the National Organization for Women (NOW)? We should also ask why they (NOW) don’t rail against rappers who treat women as objects and hoes rather than people (keep in mind all these rappers are libs too). Well, I’ll tell you why NOW won’t go after this and fight for what’s right. The last thing they want to be called is discriminatory, or Islamophobic, or racist; so they stay out of the fight and target America for the obviously unjust place it is. I mean, c’mon, women can’t do anything here; vote, work, go out in public without being covered head to toe. Oh that’s right, men and women aren’t paid exactly equally so we must suck big time, eh? Of course, America must be so closed minded, intolerant, and overly traditional.


Societies are not created equal, and these ‘advocacy groups’ try to dummy down America and the individual rights it offers to get it on an equal playing field with other countries, i.e. the Middle Eastern ultra-intolerant Islamic countries. This is the basic premise of multi-culturalism; having every country/ideology (except conservatism)/culture as equal entities. Also, why isn’t GLAAD in this fight against radical Islam? In most Middle Eastern countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, a homosexual male or female is automatically executed inhumanely (stoning, hanging, ect) just for being gay! But of course, it is we in America who are really the intolerant ones. I mean, gay marriage isn’t allowed in all 50 states. We must be inherently evil, right? Again, they don’t want to be called is discriminatory, or Islamophobic, or racist. In lib world, being called any -ory or -phobic word is the worst thing imaginable.

It really frosts me when I see liberals and Democrats and their selective moral outrage. It seems that if America isn’t to blame, there isn't any point of bringing it up. Any atrocity the enemy commits (yes John Edwards, there is an enemy, believe it or not), they are marginalized because ‘they are just an oppressed minority and if it weren’t for Bush going after them they wouldn’t want to hurt us. “They are mothers and father too,” said the Rosie (the previous line was said in a very unmanly wuss voice)’

It bugs the hell out of me the lib media will not, absolutely will not, report enemy atrocities, but when a few naked terrorists are put in a pile we are somehow worse than them (the media also seldom reports that the soldiers who did this at Abu Ghraib were punished for their actions, and rightfully so. We at least realize when we are wrong and rectify it, unlike the terrorists). Our men have been beheaded and Iraqi women and children raped by Al Qaeda, but when was the last time you saw media outrage at that? Oh that’s right John Murtha, only our soldiers “rape women and children in the dark of night. Or how about this:

The official reported that on a couple of occasions in Baqubah, al Qaeda invited
to lunch families they wanted to convert to their way of thinking. In each
instance, the family had a boy, he said, who was about 11-years-old. As LT David
Wallach interpreted the man's words, I saw Wallach go blank and silent. He
stopped interpreting for a moment. I asked Wallach, "What did he say?" Wallach
said that at these luncheons, the families were sat down to eat. And then
their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked.
Al Qaeda served the boy to his family.

That’s right, the enemy bakes kids and serves them to their parents and this isn't on the front page of the New York Slimes or any of the major letter (ABC, NBC, CBS) or cable networks? Who are the savages, the unjust ones, and the animals cowering by hiding in caves? It’s not us. On 9-11 our brave servicemen didn't run out of the WTC, they ran into it. We are a brave nation and challenge evil. Liberals seldom realize this. If they really want to wage a battle against intolerance, radical Islam is the place to start. Their hatred of Bush and America blinds them to the point where they, the so-called ‘purveyors of morality’ won’t even condemn baking children. If it weren’t for talk radio, this story along with countless others would have never been seen.

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