I hate to bring up global warming two posts in a row, but when things become ridiculous one must strike it down and call them on it. Here is (a small portion) of what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had to say at Live Earth over the weekend:...of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, DC, who are nothing more than corporate toadies for companies like Exxon and Southern Company, these villainous companies that consistently put their private financial interests ahead of American interests and ahead of the interests of all humanity. This is treason, and we need to start treating them now as traitors, and they have their -- their slick public relations firms and their phony think tanks in Washington, DC, and their crooked scientists who are lying to the American people day after day after day, and we have a press that has completely let done American democracy.
Lets put aside for a second that this is complete and utter socialism (although it really is tough to distinguish socialism from liberalism, they are one in the same) and figure out what is so treasonous about questioning the 'great religion of global warming.' Well, absolutely nothing. It's called freedom of speech. But wait, I thought dissent was the ultimate form of patriotism. Isn't that what Hillary and Queen Bee Pelosi and Harry 'American Gothic" Reed said and continue to say when they 'question the merits of the Iraq war?' So if we apply RFK's standard of dissenting being treasonous, well then wouldn't most of the Democrat Party be either executed or put in jail being that treason's punishment is just that? The difference is that the Democrats actions are treasonous. Saying the war is lost when it is not, declaring the surge isn't working when we are in the middle of it, tearing down a general they unanimously affirmed in the middle of his operations, and stating our soldiers and marines are murderers and barbarians. It's pathetic.
The very fact that the global warming nuts can't take the criticism, can't follow their own rules, and can't answer simple questions on its flaws and hypocrisy should be enough to make it suspect as anything but the truth. Mark Simone filled in for Hannity today and brought up a great point. What did Live Earth really do? Honestly. It 'raised awareness of the great crisis of global warming (girly voice).' Like nobody knew about it before hand. Hannity's Freedom Concert, on the other hand, had a tangible end millions of dollars raised (and still being raised) for the families of fallen soldiers overseas, and it had no press coverage whatsoever! Also, why didn't Al Gore call all of the musicians on arriving in private jets, arriving in limos, and having their equipment arrive in big trailers? Oh, thats right, they had good intentions and said they care. This is utter hypocrisy and symbolism over substance.
RFK also said that "we have a press that has completely let done American democracy." Is he kidding me? The media is the lapdog of the DNC and cook fringe of the Democrat Party. Al Gore went on a full press tour before the shows began, was embraced with open arms by all of the major networks, and the concert was carried on a ridiculous amount of stations. NBC, Bravo, Sundance, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo, XM, & Sirius Satellite Radio all carried the event, totaling at 75 hours of coverage! Libs will be libs I suspose.
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