Monday, July 30, 2007
Now, as objectionable as throwing someone’s Koran in a toilet may be…IT IS NOT A CRIME. This person did not punch someone or shoot someone or harass someone and THEN throw the Koran in the toilet. It’s called free speech, and it looks like this person did nothing wrong. We can however burn the American flag in the name of free speech and that’s protected of course. Liberals always scream separation of church and state yet anything that might get some Muslims mad is somehow exempt from that rule. Like how it is not allowed to pray in public schools but if you want to put a footbath for Muslims at a taxpayer funded college, well that’s cool.
What is a “hate crime” anyway? It’s the thought police, it’s a silence of free speech, and it’s using the word ‘hate’ have people think twice before they say what they want to. Dare I say sometimes hate is justified? I hate people who rape children. I hate murders. I hate how the Democrats are trying to secure defeat in Iraq. That’s warranted and protected, isn’t it? Yes, or course it is. Unless you talk against a Muslim. Again, they are exempt from the rules.
Oh, and why is it not a “hate crime” when anything Catholic is defaced? Remember the cross in the jar of urine. Or how about the “painting” of Mary defaced with dung? Oh, that’s right, it’s in the name of art! Silly me, art is great free expression and cannot be condemned because of the gray area art encompasses. Dare you criticize that, well, you just don’t get the complexity of the message the artist is sending. We are awaiting what CAIR thinks about this; somehow I don’t think they’ll take the side of free speech...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Name: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.)
Age: 67Hometown: Baltimore, Md.
Political Party: DemocratD
ating Status: Married to Paul Pelosi
It is rather uncomfortable calling the 67-year-old House Speaker HouseNancy
Pelosi (D-Calif.), mother of five and grandmother of six, “hot.” So we let
others decide. There is a group called “I can’t say why, but I
kinda think Nancy Pelosi is cute.” There’s another group there, too, but its
name is too crass to print.Moreover, Pelosi has become a fashion icon in
colorful Armani skirt-suits.Robin Givhan, the Washington Post fashion critic,
earlier this year wrote, “She looks polished and tasteful … dignified and
serious [and] she also happens to look quite good.” A copy of a Chinese Sea
Pearl ring that Pelosi has been wearing sells on eBay. Opening bid: 88 cents.No
question that wealth, posh homes and a loving family have helped smooth the
rough edges of life.Nevertheless, it is puzzling just how the first female
Speaker of the House stays so fit. She is always working and traveling, rarely
exercises and reportedly noshes on Ghirardelli mint chocolates. Maybe Pelosi was
right when she told The New York Times, “Ice cream for breakfast is a good
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
In Washington, Sen. John Kerry, said Bush "is trying to scare the American people into believing that al Qaida is the rationale for continuing the war in Iraq." But Kerry said Bush presented no new evidence to back that up, and added: "The president is picking the wrong rationale for this war. Al-Qaida is not the principal killer of American forces in Iraq."
The Dems now say al-Qaida was never in Iraq prior to 9/11 and because of that there was no justification for going to war (never mind the fact that the House and Senate voted overwhelmingly for the “Use of Force in Iraq”). Lets assume for one second Kerry and the other Dems are right (and their not); wouldn’t the fact that al-Quida is now in Iraq justify being there? Isn't that the justification they wanted? Doesn’t that mean Iraq is of some importance since al-Qaida is in fact fighting us there?
Iraq is the central front in the war on terror. Al-Qaida's number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri has himself declared so! He has also said, "A US bill calling for troop withdrawal from Iraq is proof of Washington's defeat." Someone in the media should really ask Senate Majority Leader Harry "American Gothic" Reid if he agrees with Zawahiri's comments. My answer is that he does! Mr. Reid is the one who has said "the war is lost" on multiple occasions!
Anyone who says the actions of this Democrat Congress (whose approval rating is around 15% mind you, lower than the Presidents) is not emboldening our enemies is smoking something the Dems wish was legal. Also, what is this “principal killer of American forces in Iraq” line? If al-Qaida isn’t the number one killer, it means some other group is. Again, his justification for leaving can be easily refuted. Well Mr. Kerry, if the largest killer of our military is what you want, then let’s continue to find and kill them all as well! Give victory a chance!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Now, let me ask you, where are all these do-gooder, good intentioned lib groups that claim to be advocates for minorities and the weak because they are oh so open minded and tolerant? Take this particular issue and ask yourself, where is the National Organization for Women (NOW)? We should also ask why they (NOW) don’t rail against rappers who treat women as objects and hoes rather than people (keep in mind all these rappers are libs too). Well, I’ll tell you why NOW won’t go after this and fight for what’s right. The last thing they want to be called is discriminatory, or Islamophobic, or racist; so they stay out of the fight and target America for the obviously unjust place it is. I mean, c’mon, women can’t do anything here; vote, work, go out in public without being covered head to toe. Oh that’s right, men and women aren’t paid exactly equally so we must suck big time, eh? Of course, America must be so closed minded, intolerant, and overly traditional.
Societies are not created equal, and these ‘advocacy groups’ try to dummy down America and the individual rights it offers to get it on an equal playing field with other countries, i.e. the Middle Eastern ultra-intolerant Islamic countries. This is the basic premise of multi-culturalism; having every country/ideology (except conservatism)/culture as equal entities. Also, why isn’t GLAAD in this fight against radical Islam? In most Middle Eastern countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, a homosexual male or female is automatically executed inhumanely (stoning, hanging, ect) just for being gay! But of course, it is we in America who are really the intolerant ones. I mean, gay marriage isn’t allowed in all 50 states. We must be inherently evil, right? Again, they don’t want to be called is discriminatory, or Islamophobic, or racist. In lib world, being called any -ory or -phobic word is the worst thing imaginable.
It really frosts me when I see liberals and Democrats and their selective moral outrage. It seems that if America isn’t to blame, there isn't any point of bringing it up. Any atrocity the enemy commits (yes John Edwards, there is an enemy, believe it or not), they are marginalized because ‘they are just an oppressed minority and if it weren’t for Bush going after them they wouldn’t want to hurt us. “They are mothers and father too,” said the Rosie (the previous line was said in a very unmanly wuss voice)’
It bugs the hell out of me the lib media will not, absolutely will not, report enemy atrocities, but when a few naked terrorists are put in a pile we are somehow worse than them (the media also seldom reports that the soldiers who did this at Abu Ghraib were punished for their actions, and rightfully so. We at least realize when we are wrong and rectify it, unlike the terrorists). Our men have been beheaded and Iraqi women and children raped by Al Qaeda, but when was the last time you saw media outrage at that? Oh that’s right John Murtha, only our soldiers “rape women and children in the dark of night. Or how about this:
The official reported that on a couple of occasions in Baqubah, al Qaeda invited
to lunch families they wanted to convert to their way of thinking. In each
instance, the family had a boy, he said, who was about 11-years-old. As LT David
Wallach interpreted the man's words, I saw Wallach go blank and silent. He
stopped interpreting for a moment. I asked Wallach, "What did he say?" Wallach
said that at these luncheons, the families were sat down to eat. And then
their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked.
Al Qaeda served the boy to his family.
That’s right, the enemy bakes kids and serves them to their parents and this isn't on the front page of the New York Slimes or any of the major letter (ABC, NBC, CBS) or cable networks? Who are the savages, the unjust ones, and the animals cowering by hiding in caves? It’s not us. On 9-11 our brave servicemen didn't run out of the WTC, they ran into it. We are a brave nation and challenge evil. Liberals seldom realize this. If they really want to wage a battle against intolerance, radical Islam is the place to start. Their hatred of Bush and America blinds them to the point where they, the so-called ‘purveyors of morality’ won’t even condemn baking children. If it weren’t for talk radio, this story along with countless others would have never been seen.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Defending Tax Cuts & Reagan
The rich pay more money, but a lower percentage of their overall gross than the
middle-class or working-class does. $10,000 in taxes to a family of five making
$80,000 on Long Island means far more than $2,000,000 in taxes to someone making
$30,000,000 a year as a Wall Street hotshot. I know it's an extreme example, but
the rich do have far many more tax loopholes than the average joe does. Paying
the most doesn't necessarily mean paying your fair share.The truth is, the
solution is a flat tax. Without the complications of the tax code, everyone pays
their fair share. It would be a fairly low rate to be fair (for federal, well
under 20%, if not even under 10%, depending on the numbers). Then, there's no
bull. You want kids, a house, a fourth house for your yacht? No tax breaks,
period. It's all a fairer world, so no one can really complain about their tax
thresholds and tax bills. Ohh, and Reagan killed unions. He hurt blue-collar
America more than any other President.
First, as far as tax loopholes go, the rich certainly have more. There is no disagreement with that point. However, I would argue that the rich deserve those loopholes and the cuts they get. They are the ones helping in creating jobs and still contributing most to the system. One person’s achievement is not necessarily another’s loss; we do not operate under a zero-sum game. Onerous taxes have a direct correlation and deterrent affect on income and wealth of jobs. Taxation doesn’t create wealth and prosperity, but more money in the peoples pockets sure do.
“Paying the most doesn't necessarily mean paying your fair share.” And who decides that? What is a fair amount for a rich person to pay? It depends on your ideology I suppose. I believe the American people, in general, are overtaxed, not under taxed. Also, why does someone who works for their money, illustrates their excellence, and helps the economy owe the slackers, the ones who fall behind? The point I was trying to make is that the economy is great right now, and tax cuts and rate reductions and Bush do not get any credit for it.
Lastly, a point was made regarding the 80’s and death of the blue-collar worker. I must reiterate the 96 straight uninterrupted months of economic growth. 20 million long-term jobs were created, ranging from blue collar to white collar and service workers. Because of these newly created jobs the number of people living in poverty decreased by almost 4 million from 83-89. But most important, lets not forget about the Reagan Democrats, who were mostly white, socially conservative blue-collar workers from the Northeast who were attracted to Reagan's social conservatism on issues such as abortion, and to his hawkish foreign policy. In 80 and 84, this group was very important in establishing his landslide victories.
Stan Greenberg, a Democratic pollster, analyzed white, largely unionized autoworkers in suburban Macomb County, Michigan, just north of Detroit. The county voted 63 percent for Kennedy in 1960 and 66 percent for Reagan in 1984. He concluded that Reagan Democrats no longer saw Democrats as champions of their middle class aspirations, but instead saw it as being a party working primarily for the benefit of others, especially African Americans and the very poor. (last paragraph taken from wikipedia)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Roaring Economy
What’s the tie to the Bush tax cuts? Well, a little deregulation and Americans having more money in their pocket due to the tax rate being reduced is always a good thing. The rate reduction is only 2% (from 39 to 37) and it’s working ridiculously well. Adam Smith, the invisible hand, look it up. It works. Wealth and prosperity breeds wealth and prosperity. The government can only get in the way and stifle that growth. The unemployment rate is at less than 4%. This is even with the influx of illegal immigrants taking jobs “Americans won’t do.”
Oh, and for all you socialist thugs trying to take more money out of Americans pockets so to stifle economic growth, individual freedom, and play Robin Hood so to have more power of people, lets take a look at income taxes and who pays them. If you’re a Democrat, this is probably the first time you’re seeing these numbers. Take a close look, it is quite astonishing. The top 1% of wage earners pays around 34% of all income taxes in the US! That’s right, the top 1% pays more than a quarter of all income taxes. Still think they don’t pay enough? Here are more numbers. The top 5% pays around 55% and the top 10% pays around 66% of all income taxes. While the total top 50% of all income earners pays 97% of all income taxes, the bottom 50% pays about 3%! The top 1% is paying nearly ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%!
The rich earned their money, get punished by paying the most into the system due to “progressive taxation”, and get nothing out of it. Hell, they are still vilified by the left for not giving enough! Trickle down works; end of story. Reagan had 96 months of uninterrupted economic growth without inflation in the 80’s! Take that Democrats! By the way, do you realize there is a political party that hates tax cuts? Hates the idea of victory in Iraq because it interferes with their political agenda? A party that wants to destroy the best healthcare system in the world because they are just oh so compassionate? Liberalism is about control and fewer choices for YOU! Conservatism is about individual freedoms and freedom to choose to do what you want with your money so to promote individualism and entrepreneurship. With conservatism, you control your destiny!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The UN-Fairness Doctrine
The fairness doctrine is simply to silence conservative talk radio. Anyone with half a brain can realize that conservatism drives the AM dial coast to coast. We don’t dispute this. That is why the Democrat Party and the un-American left are targeting it! If they really wanted to “challenge the public airwaves,” they would have to challenge ABC, NBC, and CBS as well. Of course they won’t though because those networks are their mouthpieces, and they wouldn’t have to comply with the fairness doctrine. These Dems obviously turn a blind eye to the fact that PBS, Airhead America, and NPR (all left leaning) are all funded by the taxpayer. So if you’re a conservative, you’re paying for people to spread lib propaganda! That doesn’t sound fair to me.
Ed Schultz, the only lib to kinda, sorta, have success in talk radio says Republicans are overacting in trying to stop the Fairness Doctrine. Overreacting? Yes, the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for trying to defend free speech. You don’t see them trying to shut down the liberal bias in the papers or on TV, right? Conservatives don’t bother because we believe the truth will come out in the end. Talk radio is a perfect example of how conservatism wins in the arena of ideas. It is the ultimate democratic (not the party) forum, where ideas and truths are exchanged with respect. Have you ever listening to lib talk radio. It is vicious, condescending, arrogant, angry, hateful and riddled with Bush/Rove/Cheney/Limbaugh/Hannity derangement syndrome. Not to mention the fact that the libs LOVE the government. How are they supposed to defend big government when fails time and time again?
Here is the nail in the coffin to prove the Dems want to silence conservatives in talk radio. The Armed Forces Radio Network, broadcasting to our soldiers at home and overseas, carries many different types of programming. In 2004 Tom Harkin (D) tried to introduce into the 2005 Defense Appropriations Bill an amendment to take Rush Limbaugh off the network. By the way, the Fairness Doctrine is also referred to as the Hush Rush law in many conservative circles. Rush himself said, “This, my friends, is censorship. This is the United States government intruding on the First Amendment.” Right he is. I guess Mr. Harkin forgot that Ed Schultz, NPR and Airhead America is also on the same network! Why did he want to take Rush alone off? To silence him of course. Rush is a thorn in the side of libs. He single handedly took away the Dems media monopoly.
Remember this: fairness to a lib has a different meaning than it does to a conservative. Libs are obsessed with this ultra-ideal, not even possible initiative of equality of results. We conservatives want equality of opportunity. Talk radio is a prime example of this, and conservatism wins. That is what frosts the libs.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I hate to bring up global warming two posts in a row, but when things become ridiculous one must strike it down and call them on it. Here is (a small portion) of what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had to say at Live Earth over the weekend:...of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, DC, who are nothing more than corporate toadies for companies like Exxon and Southern Company, these villainous companies that consistently put their private financial interests ahead of American interests and ahead of the interests of all humanity. This is treason, and we need to start treating them now as traitors, and they have their -- their slick public relations firms and their phony think tanks in Washington, DC, and their crooked scientists who are lying to the American people day after day after day, and we have a press that has completely let done American democracy.
Lets put aside for a second that this is complete and utter socialism (although it really is tough to distinguish socialism from liberalism, they are one in the same) and figure out what is so treasonous about questioning the 'great religion of global warming.' Well, absolutely nothing. It's called freedom of speech. But wait, I thought dissent was the ultimate form of patriotism. Isn't that what Hillary and Queen Bee Pelosi and Harry 'American Gothic" Reed said and continue to say when they 'question the merits of the Iraq war?' So if we apply RFK's standard of dissenting being treasonous, well then wouldn't most of the Democrat Party be either executed or put in jail being that treason's punishment is just that? The difference is that the Democrats actions are treasonous. Saying the war is lost when it is not, declaring the surge isn't working when we are in the middle of it, tearing down a general they unanimously affirmed in the middle of his operations, and stating our soldiers and marines are murderers and barbarians. It's pathetic.
The very fact that the global warming nuts can't take the criticism, can't follow their own rules, and can't answer simple questions on its flaws and hypocrisy should be enough to make it suspect as anything but the truth. Mark Simone filled in for Hannity today and brought up a great point. What did Live Earth really do? Honestly. It 'raised awareness of the great crisis of global warming (girly voice).' Like nobody knew about it before hand. Hannity's Freedom Concert, on the other hand, had a tangible end millions of dollars raised (and still being raised) for the families of fallen soldiers overseas, and it had no press coverage whatsoever! Also, why didn't Al Gore call all of the musicians on arriving in private jets, arriving in limos, and having their equipment arrive in big trailers? Oh, thats right, they had good intentions and said they care. This is utter hypocrisy and symbolism over substance.
RFK also said that "we have a press that has completely let done American democracy." Is he kidding me? The media is the lapdog of the DNC and cook fringe of the Democrat Party. Al Gore went on a full press tour before the shows began, was embraced with open arms by all of the major networks, and the concert was carried on a ridiculous amount of stations. NBC, Bravo, Sundance, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo, XM, & Sirius Satellite Radio all carried the event, totaling at 75 hours of coverage! Libs will be libs I suspose.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Seriously, we currently do not understand how complex weather is. Ask a climatologist what the cloud cover will look tomorrow and he will laugh in your face, but somehow we can know the earth is going to be a flaming ball of fire in 50 years and that Greenland is going to be gone or that NYC is going to be under water. Give me a break.
The Johannesburg Live Earth concert had a low turnout (and of course it is blamed on global warming). The temperatures there were colder than normal. Wait, if it is global warming than why would it get colder? Well, the 'theory' keeps getting 'modified', now to the point where everything is blamed on global warming. The genocide in Darfur has been blamed for it! Honestly, its on those articles you have to read to believe. Global warming deniers have also been compared to Holocaust deniers. Like there is any comparison. But anyway, back to Johannesburg and the fact that it was cold there. The reason why is because it is the winter time. South Africa is in the southern hemisphere. But the libs in the media with their condescending arrogant attitude assume us dummies won't pick up on it. Average July lows for Johannesburg are in the high 30's by the way.
At the same time we are hitting record highs here in America. This, in some circles, is called WEATHER! Weather tends to fluctuate from region to region. Records get shattered all the time. Weather is unpredictable and complicated and we can't even begin to predict what it will be like 100 years from now. Keep in mind it is warming on other planets as well, such as Mars. Also, the oldest DNA ever found on earth (in Greenland, mind you) shows insects, plants, and trees on Greenland, meaning it was warmer! Warming and cooling is natural, remember that the next time environmental guru, technology czar, and creator of the internet Al Gore tries to lecture you about what car you have to drive or what food you have to eat.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
This is the first post; where I begin to cut myself open for all to see what I think about varying social and political issues. This gets me thinking about America, and being Independence Day just passed, there is no better time than now to say what is so great about this county:
- I can say what I want, when I want to.
- I can travel from coast to coast, border to (lack of) border and not have to worry about finding a gas station, food, or rest stops.
- My life is the envy of the world.
- A good meal is never more than a minute away.
- The traditions and institutions that helped the country prosper and grow.
- Being able to defend those traditions and institutions that are under attack.
- Talk radio.
- Living in a country that cleans the world, clothes the world, feeds, and frees the world. And even after getting little credit for doing so, continuing to fight on.
- The choices we have from food to drinks, entertainment and stores. It is never-ending.
- The flag; it is optimistic and inspiring.
- Marveling at the inventions and progress of American ingenuity through a can do spirit, optimism, and rugged entrepreneurship, all of which available because of the freedoms available to us.