This terrible event does highlight, however, the love and respect Americans have for not only other American’s, but also human life in general. On 9/11 our firefighters, police officers, medics, etc showed this by running into the Word Trade Center. Rather than saving themselves, they ran INTO the buildings to save others. The same occurred over the past few days in Minneapolis.
Emergency workers were there immediately to help the injured and indigent. They saved people from the collapsed bridge as well as people being carried down the mighty Mississippi. Americans helping Americans was fully highlighted. People helped each other get out of their cars, moved debris off of them, gave them food and water to hold them over. Students on a school bus helped each other kick out an emergency window as teachers and other motorists brought them to safety. “There was a great deal of goodness going on there,” said Jay Reeves, a Red Cross worker. “People were immediately starting to help the children off the bus, lowering them over the side of the bridge.”
…Lastly (and this needs to be pointed out), is the Bush Derangement syndrome rapidly occurring. Much like he blew up the WTC, the levies in New Orleans, is responsible for global warming, terrorism, and dog bites, Bush is to blame for this terrible event happening. NPR low-ratings man Ed Shultz said “...the only reason Bush is talking about fatalities is because he didn’t give MN enough money to maintain the bridge.” Naturally, local politicians, city officials, and road inspectors play no role. Or forget about the fact that Congress appropriates the money. Its just Bush!!! Pathetic. And Democrats want to end the 'politics of personal destruction?’ Yea right. They invented it! Check out more of the Democrats taking no more than a few hours to politicize this here. Absolutely pathetic.
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