Monday, August 20, 2007


"In four debates, not a single Democrat said the word, 'Islamic terrorists.' Now that is taking political correctness to extreme?"

Rudy Giuliani said that in the Republican Presidential debate a few weeks ago. How right he is. This fear of being called Islamophobic or being discriminatory drives liberals more than the fear of having innocent Americans die from radical Islam. Liberals around the world live in their little liberal bubbles, void from reality, and choose not to see radical Islam for the threat it is, has been, and will be in the future. They would rather take on the real enemies of America...Bush, Rove (even though he is gone, they will continue to fight him), Limbaugh, FOX News, Wal-Mart, ect.

In the uber-liberal mecca of England, the BBC is dropping a fictional terror attack from one of its programs to avoid offending Muslims. Liberals only care about not offending certain groups however, Muslims being one of them. I wonder if they were to give this much care to Christians. I guess last November when the BBC portrayed the evil evangelical Christians murdering Muslims they weren't too concerned with offending them. Being liberal means never having standards, but rather dumbing them down so that one group is held to a ridiculously high standard and the other is held to no standard so to stop judgements upon them.

Why is it so bad to fictionally portray something that is not fictional? The answer: It's not. However, liberalism, and the psychosis they have that keeps them severely disconnected from reality makes them feel this way all in the name of not discriminating. The problem isn't Islam, it is radical Islam, and sadly, I can fully understand why liberals would not not want to portray it accurately. Why? Informed people, especially on terrorism, is death to their entire mind-set on the issue. They spend their days either denying there is any threat, accurately don't think there is any threat, and trying to convince other of that as well.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Our great savior will not come in the form of liquid corn, a.k.a. ethanol. Just about every environmental wacko, Democrat, and the President himself have conned the public into believing it will not only help us reduce our dependency on foreign oil but help gas prices go down as well. It goes without saying that gas has gone up over the past few years while mandates on ethanol being a decent percentage of the gas you put in your car is as well. Rich Lowry explains:

"We will plant 90 million acres of it this year, up 15 percent from last year. Still, the price of a bushel of corn jumped from $2 to $3 in the past year, thanks to the demand for more ethanol. This is increasing the price of corn-based foods - tortillas have become as much as twice as expensive in Mexico - and meat, poultry and dairy products, since livestock traditionally has been fed corn. "In some parts of the country," Jeff Goodell writes in Rolling Stone, "hog farmers now find it cheaper to fatten their animals on trail mix, french fries and chocolate bars."

It is basic economics; if there is a certain amount of corn being grown and growers can't keep up with the demand pressed by the government, the price is going to go up. Corn is one of the worlds most important crops, and if a large potion of it cannot be used for human consumption but rather car consumption, it seems like a waste. The amount of corn needed to be grown to meet the governments needs would have to encompass the entire northeast. Unless we become a nation of corn growers rather than cities, people, industrialization, and progress, their mandate isn't possible.

Consider the unintended consequences of their good intentions. Corn goes up in price so does gasoline being a percentage of gas must be ethanol based. Pretty straight forward. High gas prices means shipping becomes more expensive and our products go up. If corn goes up so does the price of tortillas, a main feeding source for Mexicans and poor people in general. We are affected with high pop corn and corn syrup prices. High corn syrup prices means that a lot of the sweets we eat will go up as well. Many animals are fed using corn based foods. If their feed goes up so does all sorts of meat, from chicken to beef and the other white meat. Produce will go up as well. Job losses would not be a surprise as a result of this either.

Getting off foreign oil is a major concern, but ethanol is not the answer. The quicker the government realizes that and comes up with ideas baring more tangible results, we will all be better off...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

You Wanna Talk About Priorities..

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) should really start being more concerned about people as well. Or maybe another group should be started; People for the Ethical Treatment of People (PETP).

HEADLINE: PETA slams "shocking" Hamas TV clip

"Animal rights group PETA said on Wednesday it would protest to a Hamas-run TV channel after a clip from a program showing animals being abused appeared on YouTube, prompting scores of complaints from viewers worldwide." You can't make this stuff up. So it isn't INHUMANE treatment of HUMANS by Hamas which outrages PETA, it is only the poor treatment of animals. Now do not misunderstand, the treatment of animals in this YouTube clip is disgusting, however their blind eye turned to human rights abuses is absolutely pathetic.

"Any lessons meant to be contained in this segment are almost certainly lost on most children, who are more likely to imitate people they see treating animals cruelly rather than understand this behavior is wrong," I assume the Palestinians medias constant anti-Jewish rhetoric, TV shows indoctrinating children to hate Jews and America, and Holocaust denial don't constitute teaching children wrong behavior to PETA or the writer of this Reuters article.

I guess "shocking" doesn't constitute the sewage in the streets of Gaza, executing captives, killing people not involved in hostilities, engaging in gun battles near Palestinian hospitals, shooting rockets into innocent Israeli cities, no clean water, their constitution which mandates the destruction of Israel and the list goes on. No, no, no; be mad and condemn Hamas because of their mistreatment of animals. I'll tell ya, these libs really have their priorities straight, don't they.

Note that not once in this article was the human rights abuses of Hamas mentioned tying in to their animal abuses. Not once.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Newsday, which I have been told is a right wing publication (note the sarcasm), posted this article in their Sunday edition entitled Raw Refined: Dining with foodies who don't cook but go gourmet. I have to give them credit though because as soon as I saw the title it had me very interested. I can sum up the articles message with one line said early on: "We were born to eat this way. We're the only life form on this planet that heats their food. We're only now starting to walk forward in the way we should eat."

Did you get that? We have devolved because we cook food. And don't think for a second there aren't some commy libs out there who would love to ban cooking food. I am willing to bet some of these wackos are. This, in turn, would lead to ultra veganism and having the kook (no pun intended) fringe animal rights people run the government. Not to mention to obvious global warming implications of heat and smoke going into the sky. But I digress.

"No longer just a fringe vegan diet featuring bland preparations of vegetables, fruits and nuts, the raw food movement has gone gourmet, tapping the same creativity that's revitalized mainstream cuisine." What is this writer talking about? Not cooking food and never eating any meat or products that comes from animals is as fringe as it gets! You don't find out until the very end of the article that there is one actual raw restaurant in Manhattan and the raw food group the writer is talking about has only 60 members. Doesn't really sound like "the movement" has taken off, eh?

I also have to object to the writer using the phrase "raw foodies" throughout the article (used five times, 6 including the title). All she is trying to do is make this weirdo group sound hip so maybe you'll want to be apart of their 60's leftover, pot smoking, pimple-faced fun. Now, let me be clear that I don't give a rats ass what these kooks do, so long as they don't start forcing me to eat the way they do, or make me feel guilty because I eat meat. As long as I can make fun of how ridiculous they are and how the writer of this article is trying to marginalize them, I'll be good.

Bermuda for a week. Have a good one!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


"Now, what kind of political leaders position themselves that way so that they only win when their country loses? What kind of brains do they have to position themselves in such a way so that when we make progress, their political aspirations are diminished? They're the ones that created this situation. They've aligned themselves with the enemy. They continue to align themselves with the enemy. They won't admit it, obviously. The enemy kills more soldiers, their spokesmen here in the US are the Democrats. When we kill more of the enemy, the Democrats are silent, and they say nothing. But when we have reports of another IED or pictures of a car on fire, then the Democrats assume the role of media PR spokespeople for Al-Qaeda. So the two-track Democrat strategy in play now: lose the war and cripple the presidency. Lose the war by undermining the armed forces, including their funding, cripple the presidency by unleashing all these investigations and prosecutions of the president's closest aides. And note, none of this, folks, none of it, not one part of it is intended to help or strengthen the country. Just the opposite."
-Rush Limbaugh, speaking on how victory is bad for the Democrat agenda.

"In four debates, not a single Democrat said the word, 'Islamic terrorists.' Now that is taking political correctness to extreme?"
-Rudy Giuliani

“The Democrats will only support the war in Iraq when we invent green weaponry”
-Dennis Miller



I was watching the movie Independence Day today and something occurred to me: President Thomas J. Whitmore (played by Bill Pullman) had to be a Republican. His party was not mentioned in the movie, and although it was probably written by a bunch of libs, they inadvertently made him a conservative. Here's why...

Exhibit A: He is tough against a ruthless enemy willing to kill anyone and everyone that does not fit their sick twisted ideology. He was willing to use the full force of the United States Military against this enemy and he even used surveillance to monitor their every move. The enemy did not frighten him and he was steadfast in his efforts to defeat them. He did not compromise his morals to due pressure for his constituents to become and linguine-spined puss.

Exhibit B: Jasmine Dunbrow, played by Vivica A. Fox, was a black, female (single-mother), stripper. She said jokingly to the first lady that she "voted for the other guy" in the previous election. Now, who overwhelmingly gets the black vote, as well as the single mother vote? Democrats do. They also get the stripper vote but that's another story. There is no way she voted for President Whitmore.

Exhibit C: He wanted to stop illegal aliens from crossing the border.

Exhibit D: Look at this speech he gives before the climax of the movie. I can see Reagan, Bush, and any of the top Republican Presidential candidates (especially Rudy) saying this. I could never see Hillary, Edwards, Obama, or any other Democrat candidate saying it. It really is quite a good speech. Inspiring, uplifting, installing a can-do attitude into his people, his nation, the world...

Good morning. In less than an hour, an aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in this history of mankind. Mankind -- that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps its fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution -- but from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on!
We're going to survive!

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!

It really gives me chills. We are literally in the fight of our lives and it is the worlds fight, not just ours. This fight against radical Islam is not going away anytime soon. We need to buck up and be steadfast, optimistic, and know that the American spirit prevails every time we are united, under one flag, with liberty, against an enemy trying to take it away. We should be living everyday like it is Independence Day, realizing the greatness of this nation and realizing defending it is worth the fight.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


In a previous post (July 20th) I wrote that "most 'debate' now consists of an obligatory cliché one liner followed by a character assassination." This is most true with liberals. The response you'll get is one that basically says you should shut up and you don't count if you dare question their ideas or intent. There won't be a substantive argument on the rebound. No, no, no, you will literally get an obligatory cliché one liner followed by a character assassination. Something to discredit you based purely on emotion and name-calling rather than picking apart the essence of the argument you bring up.

Comments about my previous post (August 3rd), I was told that I sounded uneducated. Ouch. How dare I question Obamas way-out-there foreign policy ideas. Why did I sound uneducated? Well, I don't know actually. Nothing of substance was brought up. My arguments weren't picked apart and Obamas weren't defended. I was then told to stop reading Newsday and O'Reilly talking points to form my own opinions.

First, the last thing Newsday has is a right leaning bias. Anyone with a half brain can look at their editorial page for a few months and see it is left leaning. Which is fine, their circulation is down the tubes anyway; another indicator it is left leaning (NYT, LAT, BG, etc all down as well). Secondly, O'Reilly has not discussed Obamas foreign policy "ideas." If he hasn't discussed it, how could I steal his ideas? Lastly, I don't need O'Reilly or Limbaugh or even Hannity to tell me that invading Pakistan and taking nukes off the table is a bad idea. It's common sense (or at least I thought so).

So the obligatory one liner: YOUR TAKING O'REILLY TALKING POINTS!!!

The character assassination: YOU SOUND UNEDUCATED!!!

With no proof to back it up. Good day.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Barry's Trifecta of Naivety

He is just too damn inexperienced to run this country. This trifecta of naive comments clearly shows it. Barack Obama first said he wants to meet with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, and Syria immediately after becoming President (Lord help us). I want someone to cite for me an example in the past where diplomacy has REALLY worked. Where negotiation and appeasing the enemy has led to peace and offset the possibility of war. You can’t find any!

Fire needs to fight fire, and America’s flame burns greater than any terrorists will ever. It’s like asking the question, “Name for me one thing the government runs that’s done right?” Well, other than the military (when the left doesn’t emasculate it), the answer is always nothing! Are we really supposed to sit at the table with Ahmadinejad and force him to believe the Holocaust happened or that threatening to blow Israel off the map really isn’t the peace loving rhetoric he claims to be articulating?

Obama then said he would consider invading Pakistan. For those of you out of the know, Pakistan and Musharraf lead government is a great ally to the US. This is a guy who has escaped five assassination attempts, has disarmed terror operations trying to destabilize the country, and keep the government on offense against terror. Pakistani officials responded to the Obama comments. "It's a very irresponsible statement, that's all I can say," Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khusheed Kasuri told AP Television News. "As the election campaign in America is heating up we would not like American candidates to fight their elections and contest elections at our expense." Amen brother.

Lastly, Barry Hussein would never consider using nuclear weapons, which is ridiculously irresponsible to openly tell the enemy in the middle of a war. Wait a second… he would consider using them. Hold on again. What’s that? Oh, he wouldn’t use them. Obama was responding to a question by the Associated Press about whether there was any circumstance where he would be prepared or willing to use nuclear weapons in Afghanistan and Pakistan to defeat terrorism and al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. Make up your mind man! This is kind of a serious question and his hesitant and ambivalent stance on the issue is worth noting for all you people having Obamagasms.

On a personal note, I met radio talk show host Laura Ingraham today at WABC and it was pretty sweet. She is very nice, brilliant and, quite frankly, a babe...

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I’m sure by now you have heard about the collapsed portion of the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River. Right off the back, my thoughts and prayers go to the families of those involved and larger community in Minneapolis. This truly is a tragedy that should not happen in America. "This is not a rescue operation any longer," said Chief Jim Clack of the Minneapolis Fire Department. "It's a recovery operation, which means we move slower and more deliberately." The death toll is currently at four, is expected to rise, and more than 30 people are currently missing.

This terrible event does highlight, however, the love and respect Americans have for not only other American’s, but also human life in general. On 9/11 our firefighters, police officers, medics, etc showed this by running into the Word Trade Center. Rather than saving themselves, they ran INTO the buildings to save others. The same occurred over the past few days in Minneapolis.

Emergency workers were there immediately to help the injured and indigent. They saved people from the collapsed bridge as well as people being carried down the mighty Mississippi. Americans helping Americans was fully highlighted. People helped each other get out of their cars, moved debris off of them, gave them food and water to hold them over. Students on a school bus helped each other kick out an emergency window as teachers and other motorists brought them to safety. “There was a great deal of goodness going on there,” said Jay Reeves, a Red Cross worker. “People were immediately starting to help the children off the bus, lowering them over the side of the bridge.”

…Lastly (and this needs to be pointed out), is the Bush Derangement syndrome rapidly occurring. Much like he blew up the WTC, the levies in New Orleans, is responsible for global warming, terrorism, and dog bites, Bush is to blame for this terrible event happening. NPR low-ratings man Ed Shultz said “...the only reason Bush is talking about fatalities is because he didn’t give MN enough money to maintain the bridge.” Naturally, local politicians, city officials, and road inspectors play no role. Or forget about the fact that Congress appropriates the money. Its just Bush!!! Pathetic. And Democrats want to end the 'politics of personal destruction?’ Yea right. They invented it! Check out more of the Democrats taking no more than a few hours to politicize this here. Absolutely pathetic.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


The UK Daily Mail has posted an article with the most detailed pictures of earth ever seen. They really are spectacular. Of course, leave it to some liberals to ruin the moment with comments about the article. I'm not taking issue with their right to say what they want, however I am taking a look at the bigger liberal picture of how miserable and guilty these people feel:

"From a distance" you can't see the rubbish, hatred, inequality and sheer stupidity that mar this beautiful globe.- Mike Randall, Worcester, England

This is typical liberalism; gloom and doom, people suck, animals are pristine, humans ruin the planet, global warming, socialism would rid the earth of inequality. These people see the bad in everything. They are literally miserable and will do anything they can to spread that misery. That's liberalism (socialism). There's doom unless of course it is some lib program where good intentions are met, not taking a look at the unintended consequences of their 'good intentions.' Their good intentions make themselves feel better and utopia has been fulfilled. And here is another one:

Something so beautiful and we are destroying it! Sad, very sad, we don't deserve to lease the planet!- Jeff Rudd, Drogheda, Ireland.

Ohh noo. WHAAAAA!!! I feel soooo guilty. You should too. Thats what they'll say at least. Global warming and all the pollution (America's fault of course) is going to kill us. We have 10 years left to live (says AL Gore). Manhattan is going to be underwater! Oh, Please!!!

The earth is beautiful. Savor the momet. Enjoy it. Take a gander at God's great creation. Be happy. There's nothing wrong with it!